Secure Shopping & Online Security

You can trust us to keep you safe online

We strive to ensure we offer the safest and most reliable online shopping experience available, below we have provided information to show you some of the many ways we keep you safe on-line.


Your rights when shopping online

When you buy on-line from a UK retailer, you have more consumer rights than when you buy from a high street store, this is due to special rules enforced when trading online as of 2000 (amended 2005) governed by UK law. We take great care to ensure our website is safe to use and that we abide by these regulations. You are also protected by laws in the consumer credit act, particularly section 75 in which you are covered when using a credit card to purchase goods online between £10 and £30,000 for good which are fault, damaged or have not arrived.


NAJ Members

We are members of the National Association of Jewellery (previously: British Jewellers' Association) and must honour a strict code of practice which includes maintaining the highest level of integrity, honesty and business ethics. Confirm our membership by clicking here>>


PCI-DSS Compliant

We are accredited with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards) which means we are assessed each year to ensure our systems are secure and that payment details are stored securely.


Secure website and payments

Our website and payment page are secured using 128 bit encryption, this means anything you look at or enter in to our website can not be viewed by any outside 3rd party.

Look for a closed padlock symbol in the address bar or see that the address changes from http to https, which indicates that the communication between you and our website is encrypted and therefore confidential.


Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority

We are authorised and regulated by the FCA to provide regulated services including credit facilities, FCA is part of the Bank of England Prudential Regulation Authority.


Registered with the ICO

We are registered with the ICO (Information Commissioner's Office) previously the Office of Fair Trading. This ensures Personal data provided by you shall be processed fairly and lawfully.


We do not store full payment information

Only part of your credit/debit card number and expiry date is visible to us, these details are not stored with us, they are kept securely with the merchant bank and payment gateway issuer; Stripe, on a secure server, full details are only visible to the issuing merchant bank and the customers card issuing bank. We also do not take telephone payments to ensure that we do not have to ask for any sensitive information, this also eliminates the risk of details being lost if written down and ending up in the wrong hands.


Know who you're dealing with

We ensure that we provide a full street address, e-mail contact details and non-mobile telephone numbers. Our telephone lines are analogue, not VoIP / internet based ensuring we are not based outside of the UK.